"Knowledge is the treasure of a wise man."
- Anonymous -

Palka, E. J., and Galgano, F. A., (eds.), 2001. The Scope of Military Geography: Across The Spectrum From Peacetime To War. New York, New York: The McGraw–Hill Companies, Inc.

Palka, E. J., and Galgano, F. A., (eds.), 2005. Military Geography: From Peace to War, New York, New York: The McGraw–Hill Companies, Inc.

Palka, E. J., and Galgano, F. A., (eds.), 2005. Regional Perspectives: North Korea. New York, New York: The McGraw–Hill Companies, Inc.

Galgano, F. A., and Palka, E. J. (eds.), 2011. Modern Military Geography. New York: Routledge.

Galgano, F. A., 2019 (ed.). The Environment–Conflict Nexus: Climate Change and the Emergent National Security Landscape. New York: Springer.
Other Publications
Recent Peer Reviewed Journals (last 5years)
Galgano, F.A. 2024. The 1964 Jordan River Diversion Plan: Transboundary Water Basins and Conflict. Case Studies in the Environment, 8 (1): 1-18.
Galgano, F. A., 2023. Hostis Humani Generis: Pirates and Global Maritime Commerce. Research in Globalization, 8 (2024) 100188
Miller, M. and Galgano, F. A. 2023. Potential Effects of Sea–Level Rise on Critical Infrastructure in New York City and Los Angeles. Pennsylvania Geographer, 60 (2): 1–21.
McRae, M., Galgano, F. A., Steinschneider, S., and Lee, R. 2020. Assessing Aircraft Performance in a Warming Climate, Weather, Climate and Society, 13 (1): 381-398.
Other Refereed Publications
Kraus, N. C., and Galgano, F. A., 2002. Beach Erosion Hot Spots: Kinds, Causes, and Solutions. Coastal Hydraulic Engineering Technical Note, CHETN–II–44, Waterways Experimental Station, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 17 pp.
Galgano, F. A. 2011. Geography of National Security. In 21st Century Geography Reference Series, Stoltman, J. (ed.), Sage, pp. 219–229.
Galgano, F. A., 2013. Military Geography. In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Edited by Barney Warf, New York: Oxford University Press.
Galgano, F. A., 2018. Military Geography. In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Edited by Barney Warf, New York: Oxford University Press.
Galgano, F. A., and S. P. Leatherman. 2019. Modes and Patterns of Shoreline Change. In. Encyclopedia of Coastal Processes, Finkle, C. W., and Makowski, C. (eds.), New York, Springer.
Galgano, F. A. and Rose, E. P. F. 2021. Military Geosciences. In: Alderton, D. H. M. and Harmon, R. S. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geology 2d Edition, Volume No. 6, pp 648–659, United Kingdom: Academic Press.
Recent Chapters in Peer Reviewed Scholarly Books
Galgano, F. A., 2016. Environmental Security and Trans-Boundary Water Resources, pp 169–191. In Military Geosciences and Desert Warfare, McDonald, Eric, Bullard, Thomas (eds.). New York: Springer-Verlag, 321 pp.
Galgano, F. A., 2019. The Environment-Conflict Nexus. In, The Environment-Conflict Nexus: Climate Change and the Emergent National Security Landscape, Galgano, F. A. (ed.), New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 1-18.
Galgano, F. A., 2019. States at Risk: The Environment-Conflict Model. In, The Environment-Conflict Nexus: Climate Change and the Emergent National Security Landscape, Galgano, F. A. (ed.), NY: Springer Verlag, pp. 19-49.
Galgano, F. A., 2019. Abrupt Climate Change. In, The Environment-Conflict Nexus: Climate Change and the Emergent National Security Landscape, Galgano, F. A. (ed.), New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 59-72.
Galgano, F. A., 2019. Water in the Middle East. In, The Environment-Conflict Nexus: Climate Change and the Emergent National Security Landscape, Galgano, F. A. (ed.), New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 73-90.
Galgano, F. A., 2019. Conflict in the Horn of Africa: The Ogaden War of 1977. In, The Environment-Conflict Nexus: Climate Change and the Emergent National Security Landscape, Galgano, F. A. (ed.), New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 139-154.
Galgano, F. A., 2020. Fort Eben Emael: Geographic Pivot of the Western Front, 1940, Military Geoscience, Guth, P. (ed.), New York: Springer Verlag.
Galgano, F. A., 2022. Contemporary National Security Threats on the High Seas, In Military Geoscience: A Multifaceted Approach to the Study of Warfare, Ehlen, J., and Bondesan, A., (eds.), New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 267–285.